WCP 11gR1: Change the Password Programmatically
Recently we implemented a Custom Interface for changing the password in a WebCenter Portal environment. Here I am sharing some of the code to achieve it (taken from WebCenter API).
Java Code Snippet:
As you can see in the code above, the important
JSFF Snippet:
Note: Remember that your LDAP has to be conigured with the rights for allowing users to change the password.
TIP: Validators where not included in this post, but it is using the defined by WebCenter ;).
Java Code Snippet:
public void setPassword(ActionEvent event) { String METHOD_NAME = "setPassword"; logger.entering(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword"); final String userName = WebCenterSecurityUtils.getUserName(); try { FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Application app = fCtx.getApplication(); // This managed bean returns if the Change Password is allowed in WebCenter boolean allowPasswordChange = ((Boolean)ADFContext.getCurrent().getExpressionEvaluator().evaluate("#{o_w_wa_i_v_b_changePasswordBean.passwordChangeAllowed}")).booleanValue() if (!allowPasswordChange) { logger.fine(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword", "skipping passwd change as admin has disabled it"); WCApplicationContext.getCurrentInstance().displayWarning(WebCenterResourceBundle.class.getCanonicalName(), "PREFERENCE_PASSWORD_DISABLED", null); } else { String oldPassword = getOldPassword(); String newPassword = getNewPassword(); if (logger.isFiner()) { logger.finer(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword", "Changing the password for useName = " + userName); } WebCenterSecurityUtils.setPassword(userName, oldPassword, newPassword); setOldPassword(""); setNewPassword(""); setNewPasswordConfirm(""); if (logger.isFiner()) { logger.finer(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword", "After invoking method binding object for service using EL: #{bindings.setUserPassword.execute}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { WebCenterException wex; if ((ex instanceof WebCenterException)) { wex = (WebCenterException)ex; } else { wex = new WebCenterException("Unable to set the password"); } WCApplicationContext.getCurrentInstance().displayError(wex); } finally { logger.exiting(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword"); } }
As you can see in the code above, the important
JSFF Snippet:
<af:panelFormLayout labelWidth="200" rows="3" maxColumns="1" partialTriggers="save" id="pfl1"> <af:inputText label="Old Password" value="#{backingBeanScope.myPasswordBean.oldPassword}" secret="true" validator="#{webcenterValidator.oldPasswordValidator}" required="true" id="it1"/> <af:spacer height="10" id="s3"/> <af:inputText label="New Password" value="#{backingBeanScope.myPasswordBean.newPassword}" secret="true" validator="#{webcenterValidator.newPasswordValidator}" required="true" id="it2"/> <af:spacer height="10" id="s4"/> <af:inputText label="Confirm New Password" value="#{backingBeanScope.myPasswordBean.newPasswordConfirm}" secret="true" validator="#{webcenterValidator.newPasswordConfirmValidator}" required="true" id="it3"/> </af:panelFormLayout> <af:commandButton id="save" partialSubmit="true" text="Save" actionListener="#{backingBeanScope.myPasswordBean.setPassword}"/>
Note: Remember that your LDAP has to be conigured with the rights for allowing users to change the password.
TIP: Validators where not included in this post, but it is using the defined by WebCenter ;).
Hi Daneil, Thanks for the example, can you plz suggest me what is the library/jar name for WebCenterSecurityUtils ?