
Showing posts from April, 2016

WCP 11gR1: Change the Password Programmatically

Recently we implemented a Custom Interface for changing the password in a WebCenter Portal environment. Here I am sharing some of the code to achieve it (taken from WebCenter API). Java Code Snippet: public void setPassword(ActionEvent event) { String METHOD_NAME = "setPassword"; logger.entering(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword"); final String userName = WebCenterSecurityUtils.getUserName(); try { FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Application app = fCtx.getApplication(); // This managed bean returns if the Change Password is allowed in WebCenter boolean allowPasswordChange = ((Boolean)ADFContext.getCurrent().getExpressionEvaluator().evaluate("#{o_w_wa_i_v_b_changePasswordBean.passwordChangeAllowed}")).booleanValue() if (!allowPasswordChange) { logger.fine(CLASS_NAME, "setPassword", "skipping passwd change as admin has disabled it"); WCApplicationContext...

WCP 11gR1: Last Login of Portal Users

Hi. Recently I was asked about how to retrieve the latest login time of a specific user in WebCenter Portal Basically, the solution was consuming WebCenter Analytics schema which holds analytics about user login. SELECT DISTINCT ASDIM_USERS.USERID AS "User", ASFACT_WC_LOGINS_0.OCCURRED as "last_login" FROM ASFACT_WC_LOGINS_0 , ASDIM_USERS WHERE ASFACT_WC_LOGINS_0.USERID = ASDIM_USERS.ID AND ASDIM_USERS.USERID = 'myuser' ORDER BY ASFACT_WC_LOGINS_0.OCCURRED DESC   Obviously, WebCenter Portal has to be configured with WebCenter Analytics Collector for using the above query consuming the ACTIVITIES Schema. Thanks to Paco Roldán for collaborating on it :).