ADF 12cR2: Using WebSockets for warning Task Flow Concurrency
Hi all, I started to upload ADF 12cR2 POCs in my GITHub Repository with samples I develop for my current clients for technical feasibility. The first project is WebSocketConcurrentTaskFlowEdit. Basically, it uses CDI Managed Bean + Jakarta EE WebSocket s for communicating users which are concurrently editing the same information in an ADF Page / ADF Bounded Task Flow. The components are the following: Contains the WebSocket Server Side Logic. It is a CDI Bean injected in our for decoupling the logic and handling the mapping between Socket Sessions with Task Flows. TaskFlowWebSocket.js: It is the WebSocket Client written in JavaScript which is the responsible of opening the Socket Connection and manage the messages received (in JSON Format) from the TaskFlowWebSocketServer .java Is an ADF Managed Bean used by TaskFlow...